Towards Garment Sewing Pattern Reconstruction from a Single Image

1Sea AI Lab     2Xi'an Jiaotong University
*Equal Contribution   Corresponding Author
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2023)
Given a single RGB image of a clothed human (a), the proposed algorithm can accurately recover the underlying garment sewing pattern (b), leading to wide applications in virtual/augmented reality, for example, 3D garment mesh reconstruction (c) and 3D garment editing in terms of garment texture (d), human shape (e), and human pose (f).


Garment sewing pattern represents the intrinsic rest shape of a garment, and is the core for many applications like fashion design, virtual try-on, and digital avatars. In this work, we explore the challenging problem of recovering garment sewing patterns from daily photos for augmenting these applications. To solve the problem, we first synthesize a versatile dataset, named SewFactory, which consists of around 1M images and ground-truth sewing patterns for model training and quantitative evaluation. SewFactory covers a wide range of human poses, body shapes, and sewing patterns, and possesses realistic appearances thanks to the proposed human texture synthesis network. Then, we propose a two-level Transformer network called SewFormer, which significantly improves the sewing pattern prediction performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is effective in recovering sewing patterns and well generalizes to casually-taken human photos.


We present a new dataset, SewFactory, for sewing pattern recovery from a single image. A comprehensive comparison betwee SewFactory and other existing garment datasets can be found in the below table. Notably, SewFactory possesses high pose variability and a diverse range of garments and human textures, which effectively closes the domain gap with real-word inputs.

Dataset Real/Syn #Garment Pose Var Sewing Pattern G-Texture Var H-Texture Var
MGN Real 712 Low None Low Low
DeepFashion3D Real 563 Low None Low None
3DPeople Syn 80 High None Low Low
CLOTH3D Syn 11.3k High None High Low
Wang et al. Syn 8k None Yes Low None
Korosteleva and Lee Syn 22.5K None Yes Low None
Ours Syn 19.1K High Yes High High
Moreover, SewFactory provides abundant ground-truth labels as shown in below, which could be potentially benefit many applications even beyond the task in this task.

From left to right, the labels include the image, the 3d human pose and shape, the densepose, the sewing pattern, the garment mesh, the segmentation map, the depth and the normal.


As the figure shown, SewFormer consists of three main components: (a) a visual encoder to learn sequential visual representions from the input image, (b) a two-level Transformer decoder to obtain the sewing pattern in a hierarchical manner, and (c) a stitch prediction module that recovers how different panels are stitched together to form a garment.

The framework of SewFormer.

Result Examples

We showed some garment reproduction and editing results here. Each row shows an example. The first column is the input RGB image, and the second column is the sewing pattern recovered by our model. The third column is the corresponding normal map rendered based on the simulated 3D mesh and the last column shows some editing based on the recovered model.

Input Image Sewing Pattern Reconstruction Editing


    author      = {Liu, Lijuan and Xu, Xiangyu and Lin, Zhijie and Liang, Jiabin and Yan, Shuicheng},
    title       = {Towards Garment Sewing Pattern Reconstruction from a Single Image},
    journal     = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia)},
    year        = {2023}